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  • Weber

    Hatch your Webapps Today

    What is Weber?

    Weber is a full web application scaffold for building heavy-duty webapps.

    Developing web applications is a lot of work. It involves setting up scaffolding for your backend and frontend code, deciding on a general structure and setting up deployment and upgrades. This often causes developers to spend a lot of time on boilerplate when they should be focusing on their actual app logic.

    Weber aims to solve that, getting you started coding, testing and deploying your projects in no-time.

    Robust Backend

    Weber is built around Flask - a proven, industry standard web framework. It avoids clutter and keeps your code organized and readable.

    Ambitious Frontend

    Weber includes Ember.js as a frontend framework. It includes everything needed to develop, debug and integrate the frontend code right into your project.

    Powerful Deployment

    Weber uses Ansible for deployment - covering all bases, but keeping you in control. Weber supports CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu and Arch Linux deployments out of the box

    Batteries Included

    Weber contains everything you'll probably need to build rich, useful web services - background tasks with Celery, caching with Redis, serving HTTP with Nginx and Gunicorn, and more

    Python Powered!

    (Enough said)

    Get Started!

    1. Clone the project: git clone myproj
    2. Run the test server: python testserver
    3. Start hacking away!

    Need a Different Mix?

    Weber comes pre-loaded with all you should need to write a full stack app, but in some cases you want to get started with less. Luckily we also provide two additional flavors of Weber for simpler projects:

    1. weber-backend Includes all backend functionality, but does not have a frontend pipeline
    2. weber-micro Only contains deployment and an app skeleton, skipping DB, frontend, background workers etc.

    Written and Tested by These People